Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

OBD car a brief analysis of networking products

OBD plus popular mobile APP mode.

This article will briefly from the functional, technical, business models, trends in four areas, analysis of this OBD mode.

First, the function
Car networking features can be divided into: entertainment, traffic, location, security, condition, insurance, bikers, cars and so on.
Entertainment, traffic, location, security is the main function of the pre-networked vehicles, including location based mainly navigation, security, including vehicle theft, accident and rescue. After the rise of the mobile Internet, prior to the Forum model based riders transformed to the phone functions, resulting in a new taxi, ride and other uses of mobile APP. The rise of OBD mode, the main concern is with the vehicle and insurance aspects.
Condition and insurance function, through an insertion device into the vehicle OBD interface, read and analyze the data of the vehicle, to analyze energy consumption of a vehicle, failure condition information, analysis of the driver's driving habits thus providing personalized Insurance (different Driving habits have different risk levels, combined with customer data can be divided into the customer's quality grade, which according to the quality level to provide different services and premiums). Personalized insurance, in professional terms experienced a PAYD (Pay-As-You-Drive), PHYD (Pay-How-You-Drive), UBI (usagebasedinsurance) in three stages.
The rise of OBD mode, first is the traditional vehicle networking does not have a good user stickiness, followed by many of the traditional functions (entertainment, traffic, location, navigation, rescue) can be achieved through smart phones, so networking must be forced car car-centric. Theft, condition, car, car insurance and other functions, you need to participate in the car itself, not only to solve some of the owners of the problem, but also greatly enhance the user stickiness.

Second, the technical
OBD mode vehicle networking system, mainly by the OBD end, back-office systems, mobile phones and other physical modules; logically, it is a typical networking system architecture, consists of data collection, data analysis, the results show the other components.
The main data are currently collected OBD, GPS, G-Sensor. Data is the most important OBD, OBD port of the vehicle must be on an external reading device to poll OBD automotive vehicle bus data obtained. GPS and G-Sensor can be integrated with the OBD device, you can also make use of the phone. Some systems, in order to obtain location information, but there is no GPS device, GSM base station data will be collected through the base station location. Currently, most of the products do not support OBD mode G-Sensor.
OBD communication module and the morphology of the device. When the OBD, GPS, G-Sensor integrated together, OBD device will usually integrated GSM module, the collected data is sent to the back-end system, then the device is working independently; when utilizing mobile devices, OBD device need to connect the phone via Wifi or Bluetooth, the phone built-APP combine multiple data sent to the back-end system via GSM.
Normal mode, OBD vehicle equipment at a certain frequency of data collection vehicles, according to another frequency gather and report data to the backend system; relatively strong, you can think that certain vehicle events (most common failure) in a timely manner collect relevant data, or real-time response backend system's orders.
Background system has three main functions: receiving device reported raw data from these data to calculate the vehicle speed, driving habits, and respond or push on the results of the analysis to the phone APP. Among them, the data is its main function, the usual background OBD products will say that this is the big data computing, cloud; This is in line with current trends, while cloud computing and big data can accelerate the development of this product, landing. Data not just arithmetic problems, but also need a car expertise.
Owners operating a vehicle is the primary interface for networked mobile APP, currently NativeAPP majority, there are WebAPP of.
Some systems, OBD is just part of the system, then there will be other background system function, and you can have multiple APP access the same back-end system.
OBD vehicle networking products, mainly focusing on stability, timeliness, intelligent.
Stability, mainly reflected in the ability to work on-board equipment: not cause vehicle malfunction, the vehicle will not consume a lot of battery power, the temperature in a variety of various kinds of radiation environments bumps normal data collection, when the mobile network malfunction There compensation strategy, and so on.
Timeliness, reflected in the various types of users to obtain information without delay, such as: child car speeding parents will know immediately turn off the vehicle after the driver can get a detailed analysis of the results of trips, 4S shop through data analysis as soon as possible in order to prompt the owners avoid trouble, and so on.
Intelligence, mainly reflected in the results of the analysis of data, in the face of different users is readable, accurate, such as fault codes, available to the owners should not be a pile of specialized vocabulary, and through the joint analysis of multiple fault codes that can inform the owners fault level and the suggested solutions (temporarily affect the use, repair as soon as possible, the vehicle should not be driving, etc.).

Third, the business model
Different OBD vehicle networking products, they have a lot of functions are the same, but its business model may vary greatly. According to the operator to divide the business model are: the mobile Internet mode, 4S shop model, insurance models, car manufacturers there is no follow-up. According profitable way to points, are: equipment and service charge model, advertising and marketing value-added model, free conversion mode.
OBD vehicle networking products, first by car networking companies to follow the development of the mobile Internet wave out. This also accounts for the current majority. In the profit model, usually take equipment and service fees, advertising and marketing methods. Owners via the Internet, 4S stores and other channels to purchase OBD vehicle equipment, followed by annual renewals. APP in the cell phone, the corresponding function associated with the APP, the operator will push a different advertising and marketing information, for example, according to the condition and other information can be published 4S shop maintenance, repair, automotive supplies, and other aspects of product and service information.
4S shop mode, there are different levels. Low-level, combined with the mobile Internet model has, 4S shops selling OBD vehicle equipment, and through this device release their products and services. Deep level, it is a big 4S Group, OBD functions can be made a part of the entire operating system, which provides cars across different brands across pre-sale after-sale customer service system, part of which is the sale OBD important link component, you can also analyze the performance of the car drivers of the potential requirements for customer transfer when do sales preparation.
Insurance model, is the beginning of 2012 a new model. As of early 2013, has not landed in the country program. The starting point is the insurance model allows to maximize the value of insurance, and driving behavior model is the focus of auto insurance. OBD vehicle networking products with a variety of service value, driving behavior model is transformed into the best source. For large quantities, can provide fast access to customers driving behavior model, the insurance company may be taken on-board equipment free promotion approach, combined with advertising and marketing value-added model.

Fourth, the development trend
Car of the future there may not be motorized, but will be electronically; vehicles will become the largest electronic products, this view has also been more and more people accept it. However, at this stage, the development of automotive electronics, in the direction: the traditional automotive intelligent, networked vehicles, motorized, unmanned, etc., and can only landing vehicle networking intelligence and conventional cars in both directions. Traditional automotive intelligence, based on automobile manufacturers led. Car networking is more complex programs can be connected to the car, only a car drive way (with harness connected CAN bus), OBD mode (CAN bus standard trapezoidal open mouth); cars drive way, there is the leading front-loading depot, there automotive equipment manufacturers led after loading; while OBD way is emerging IT-led, is the IT technology and its concepts, applications in the automotive services. In the electronic direction to philosophy is concerned, it can be said, OBD pattern is most consistent with the trend.
In this case, the network said the challenge car prices is established? If established whether a successful challenge? The development of networking in the car, there is a conflict, there is a unified opposition, it is the current status quo, which says there is "challenge" is also true. The problem is, who is the initiator of the challenges? OBD mode, is doing a small car networking companies are, in reality, under the conflict continue to explore out of the road, but also difficult to determine the success. This type of small companies want to be able access to automobiles, but also able to access the (mobile) Internet, thus providing quality auto services. (Mobile) Internet is open (large data is technically open source, cloud computing applications is shared), the Internet's openness has spawned new forms of this world. OBD is the only open spot on the car, although it is relative to the CAN bus capacity is very weak, but also able to open concept development. It is open to non-open challenge, the more people want the world more open.
In the open, in the business model, as it should be. An OBD operating platform, it should have open, to meet the multiple needs, generating an ecological chain. Both remote diagnostics can also be customer care; either car convenient, you can also individualized Insurance; operators both competition between platforms, but also cooperation. At that time, this open interface on the car, or OBD do?
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OBD plus popular mobile APP mode. This article will...
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